Being an animal person, I really enjoyed this shoot! I love taking photos of people of course, but I don't get much of a chance to take dog photos. We went to the island by Fitzgerald Park in Grand Ledge with Rambo, Riley, and Cooper on a perfect day! We had other dogs being walked by so sometimes it was a challenge to keep the dogs still, but it worked out great. I love the willow trees across the water, they made the photo even more beautiful. I made sure to get some fun close-up portraits of the dogs too, they were just too cute to resist! We also made some attempts at get the dogs to run at me to get some action shots, I think they turned out cute! I also loved the black and white photo of the three dogs, it almost looks like a mirrored image with Rambo in the middle looking like he's unsure of himself lol.
Those pictures are awesome!